
Jease 1.4 released

ZUL, CodeMirror, Lightbox, Video, jQuery

Please read the update notice below "Improved Revision Support" before performing an update!

This release is focused to improve the infrastructure for public web-sites. The most important feature is that you can easily integrate ZK-components via the ZUL-Markup-language in your web-site via the Script-Object provided by Jease. This gives you all the power from ZK with a highly customized web-site-layout of your choice.

As companion to the new ZUL-Integration the wrapper for the CodeMirror-Editor is now used as default editor for Scripts. CodeMirror provides syntax-highlighting which makes the editing of code snippets through the web much more pleasant.

Have a look at the showcase to see some examples:


Another important enhancement is a change for the lightbox-implementation. The formerly used Topup-Library seems to be unmaintained, so it is replaced by a jQuery-based implementation (prettyPhoto), which also allows to move forward with integration and use of jQuery which is now available as a dedicated JSP-service for public templates. Additionally an open-source video-player is now used for Media-Objects containing FLV-files.


  • Changed DOCTYPE from Strict to Transitional to avoid rendering problems when include ZUL via Scripts.
  • Some CSS-fixes for proper ZUL-Rendering.
  • Allow scripts (e.g. a ZUL-page in IFrame) to be directly forwarded via file-parameter.
  • Added beanshell.jar to WEB-INF/lib to make ZUL-Scripts working out of the box.


  • Added CodeMirror as default ScriptEditor. CodeMirror is a JavaScript library that can be used to create a relatively pleasant editor interface for code-like content.

New Lightbox-Implementation

  • Replaced Topup with prettyPhoto (jQuery-Lightbox). Topup seems to be unmaintained. Renamed service to Lightbox.jsp (which is more generic). 
  • Use jQuery-selectors to mark links which should be openend in a Lightbox.


  • Added osflv-player (http://www.osflv.com/) as videoplayer. Media plays FLV-files out of the box.
  • Allow to embed parameters in path via semicolon-syntax and redirect with proper request parameters (e.g. use ;file instead of ?file). Useful in combination with flash-players which expect a filename instead of parameters.


  • Refactored jQuery into dedicated JSP-service. This allows to make use of JQuery (e.g. document-ready-function, selectors for Lightboxs) in templates.

Improved Revision-Support

  • Use own value class for revisions to provide more info (e.g. user).

  • Pleae note: You have to run an update-script to migrate existing revisions to new class format. Just call http://localhost:8080/cms/update/revisions.jsp after updating Jease to migrate the old revisions to the new format. It is highly recommended to create a backup of your database-directory (~/db4o or ~/perst) before doing the upgrade!


  • Improved demo design based on Coolwater-Template from styleshout.com.


  • Added icons to tabs.


  • Added simple ANT-Build-Script. Just call "ant" in Jease/WEB-INF to compile changes in WEB-INF/src to WEB-INF/classes.
  • Switched Java-Compiler from Sun/Oracle-JDK to OpenJDK.

Bug fixes:

  • Transit: when URI isn't accessible, size threw NPE.

Dependency Udates

  • ZK 5.0.5.
  • Patched version for ckez.jar (using forceBlur to prevent loss of style information).
  • Update to jQuery 1.4.3.
  • Prettify update (2010-07-21).
  • Update of wikitext.jar.

Last modified on 2011-02-02 by Maik Jablonski

Download Jease

You can download the latest binary release bundle here.